
LOTOS Specification

 *      Group Communication Service, VERSION 1.13
 *      Daniel Amyot and Jacques Sincennes
 *      University of Ottawa, August 15, 1996
 *      Purpose: Multicast messages to the members of a group.
 *      =======
 *      Channels:
 *      ========
 *      mgcs_ch:  Master Group Communication Server Channel
 *      gcs_ch:   Group Communication Server Channels
 *      out_ch:   mean of distributing messages to group members
 *      Groups:
 *      ======
 *      - administered: admin alone creates and destroys group
 *      - moderated:    moderator is the only one allowed to multicast.
 *                      All other messages are sent to him for approval.
 *      - public    anyone can register
 *                  e.g. mailing lists
 *      - private   admin must register another one. Must be member to see list
 *                  of group members.
 *                  e.g. telephone conference
 *      - opened    anyone can send
 *                  e.g. mailing lists
 *      - closed    must be member to send
 *                  e.g. IRC

specification Group_Communication_Service[mgcs_ch, gcs_ch, out_ch]:noexit

    Boolean, NaturalNumber, HexDigit

(*            IS8807 ADT definitions           *)

(* Types FBoolean, Element, and Set contain corrections *)
(* to the library from the International Standard 8870  *)

type        FBoolean is
formalsorts FBool
formalopns  true        : -> FBool
            not         : FBool -> FBool
    forall  x : FBool
    ofsort  FBool
    not(not(x)) = x;
endtype     (* FBoolean *)


type        Element is FBoolean
formalsorts Element
formalopns  _eq_, _ne_          : Element, Element -> FBool
        forall  x, y, z : Element
        ofsort  Element
            x eq y = true =>
        x       = y             ;

        ofsort  FBool
            x = y =>
        x eq y  = true          ;
            x eq y =true , y eq z = true =>
        x eq z  = true          ;

        x ne y  = not(x eq y)   ;
endtype     (* Element *)


type    Set is Element, Boolean, NaturalNumber
sorts   Set
opns    {}                                      :               -> Set
        Insert, Remove                          : Element, Set  -> Set
        _IsIn_, _NotIn_                         : Element, Set  -> Bool
        _Union_, _Ints_, _Minus_                : Set, Set      -> Set
        _eq_, _ne_, _Includes_, _IsSubsetOf_    : Set, Set      -> Bool
        Card                                    : Set           -> Nat

eqns    forall  x, y    : Element,
                s, t    : Set
        ofsort  Set

            x IsIn Insert(y,s) =>
        Insert(x, Insert(y,s))  = Insert(y,s)           ;
        Remove(x, {})           = {}                    ;
        Remove(x, Insert(x,s))  = s                     ;
            x ne y = true of FBool =>
        Remove(x, Insert(y,s))  = Insert(y, Remove(x,s));

        {} Union s              = s                     ;
        Insert(x,s) Union t     = Insert(x,s Union t)   ;

        {} Ints s               = {}                    ;
            x IsIn t =>
        Insert(x,s) Ints t      = Insert(x,s Ints t)    ;
            x NotIn t =>
        Insert(x,s) Ints t      = s Ints t              ;

        s Minus {}              = s                     ;
        s Minus Insert(x, t)    = Remove(x,s) Minus t   ;

        ofsort  Bool

        x IsIn {}               = false                 ;
            x eq y = true of FBool =>
        x IsIn Insert(y,s)      = true                  ;
            x ne y = true of FBool =>
        x IsIn Insert(y,s)      = x IsIn s              ;
        x NotIn s               = not(x IsIn s)         ;

        s Includes {}           = true                  ;
        s Includes Insert(x,t)  = (x IsIn s) and (s Includes t)    ;

        s IsSubsetOf t          = t Includes s          ;

        s eq t                  = (s Includes t) and (t Includes s);

        s ne t                  = not(s eq t)           ;

        ofsort  Nat

        Card({})                = 0                     ;
            x NotIn s =>
        Card(Insert(x,s))       = Succ(Card(s))         ;
endtype (* Set *)

(*             GCS ADT definitions             *)

(* A group member is identified by a hexadecimal digit. *)
(* Use hexadecimal digits as Member Identifiers *)
type        MIDType0 is HexDigit renamedby
            MID for HexDigit
endtype     (* MIDType0 *)

type    MIDType is MIDType0
        (* Special MID reserved for admin/moder modification *)
        Nobody  : -> MID  
        ofsort Nat
        (* For comparisons with other MIDs *)
        NatNum(NoBody) = Succ(NatNum(F of MID));
endtype (* MIDType *)


(* List of MIDs.  Used to answer "Members" requests *)
(* Implemented as a set. *)
(* We avoid the problem with ISLA's renaming in actualization *) 
type            MIDListType0 is Set
actualizedby    MIDType using
            MID for Element
            Bool  for FBool
endtype     (* MIDListType0 *)

type        MIDListType is MIDListType0 renamedby
            MIDList for Set
            Empty   for {}      (* Empty list of members *)        
endtype     (* MIDListType *)


(* We use hexadecimal digits as Channel Identifiers (within a channel type) *)
(* Used to describe the specifics of the multicasting type (requestor's *)
(* host, IP, socket) according to group requirements *)
type        CIDType is HexDigit renamedby
            CID for HexDigit
endtype     (* CIDType *)


(* Set of pairs (member, channelID), to be registered in a group *)
type    MemberType is MIDType, CIDType
sorts   MBR
        _._         : MID, CID      -> MBR
        MID         : MBR           -> MID
        CID         : MBR           -> CID
        _eq_, _ne_  : MBR, MBR      -> Bool
        forall  mid1, mid2: MID,
                cid1, cid2: CID,
                mbr1, mbr2          : MBR
        ofsort MID
        MID(mid1.cid1)              = mid1;
        ofsort CID
        CID(mid1.cid1)              = cid1;
        ofsort Bool
        (mid1.cid1) eq (mid2.cid2)  = (mid1 eq mid2) and (cid1 eq cid2);
        mbr1 ne mbr2                = not (mbr1 eq mbr2);
endtype (* MemberType *)    


(* Type for a list of member-channel pairs (implemented as a set) *)
(* We avoid the problem with ISLA's renaming in actualization *) 
type            MemberListType0 is Set
actualizedby    MemberType using
            MBR for Element
            Bool  for FBool
endtype     (* MemberType0 *)

type        MemberListType1 is MemberListType0 renamedby
            MemberList for Set
            NoMBR   for {}      (* Empty list of members *)        
endtype     (* MemberListType1 *)

(* Additional operations needed to act like a list *)
type    MemberListType is MemberListType1, MIDListType
        ErrorNoTop      :                   -> MBR
        ErrorNoTail     :                   -> MemberList     
        Top             : MemberList        -> MBR 
        Tail            : MemberList        -> MemberList
        (* The following functions act on the MID only. *)
        _IsIn_          : MID, MemberList   -> Bool
        _NotIn_         : MID, MemberList   -> Bool
        RemoveMBR       : MID, MemberList   -> MemberList
        MembersOnly     : MemberList        -> MIDList
        forall  member  : MBR, 
                m       : MemberList,
                id1, id2: Mid,
                chnl    : CID

        ofsort MBR
        Top (NoMBR)                 = ErrorNoTop; (* Should not happen *)
        Top (Insert (member, m))    = member;

        ofsort MemberList
        Tail (NoMBR)                = ErrorNoTail; (* Should not happen *);
        Tail (Insert (member, m))   = m;

        RemoveMBR (id1, NoMBR)                  = NoMBR;
        RemoveMBR (id1, Insert(id1.chnl, m))    = m;
            id1 ne id2 = (true of Bool) =>
        RemoveMBR (id1, Insert(id2.chnl, m))    = Insert(id2.chnl, 
                                                         RemoveMBR(id1, m));

        ofsort Bool
        id1 IsIn m                          = id1 IsIn MembersOnly(m);
        id1 NotIn m                         = Not(id1 IsIn m);
        ofsort MIDList
        MembersOnly(NoMBR)                  = Empty;
        MembersOnly(Insert(id1.chnl, m))    = Insert(id1, MembersOnly(m));
endtype (* MemberListType *)


(* Use hexadecimal digits as GCS IDentifiers *)
type        GIDType is HexDigit renamedby
            GID for HexDigit
endtype     (* GIDType *)


(* List of channel multicasting types available *)
type    ChanType is
sorts   Chan
        Video       :   -> Chan
endtype (* ChanType *)

 * A group contains characteristics and a list of members.
 * Characteristics are tuples (records):      
 *                  (groupID,           (of GID)
 *                   rationale,         (not shown here)
 *                   channelType,       (of Chan)
 *                   administeredBool,  (of Bool)
 *                   adminID,           (of MID)
 *                   openedBool,        (of Bool)
 *                   privateBool,       (of Bool)
 *                   moderatedBool,     (of Bool)
 *                   moderID            (of MID) )         
 * Used in messages and in GCS databases.
type    GCSinfoRecordType is GIDType, MemberListType, ChanType
sorts   GSCinfo
        Info        : GID, Chan, Bool, MID, 
                      Bool, Bool, Bool, MID             -> GSCinfo
        _eq_, _ne_  : GSCinfo, GSCinfo                  -> Bool
        forall  gcs1, gcs2  : GSCinfo
        ofsort Bool
        gcs1 eq gcs2        = true;   (* Needed by ISLA? *)
        gcs1 ne gcs2        = not(gcs1 eq gcs2);          
endtype (* GCSinfoRecordType *)


(* List of Groups for Master GCS, implemented as a set. *)
(* We avoid the problem with ISLA's renaming in actualization *) 
type            GroupList0 is Set 
actualizedby    GIDType using
            GID for Element
            Bool  for FBool
endtype     (* GroupList0 *)

type        GroupList is GroupList0 renamedby
            GroupList for Set
            NoGCS     for {}    (* Empty list of GCS *)         
endtype     (* GroupList *)


(* Request messages to be sent to the server *)
type        RequestType is HexDigit renamedby
sortnames   Request for HexDigit
            CREATEGROUP     for 1
            DELETEGROUP     for 2
            REGISTER        for 3
            DEREGISTER      for 4
            MEMBERS         for 5
            GROUPS          for 6
            MULTICAST       for 7            
            CHANGEADMIN     for 8
            CHANGEMODER     for 9
endtype     (* RequestType *)

(* Resulting acknowledgement messages (OK and Error) from the server *)
type        AckType0 is HexDigit renamedby
sortnames   Ack for HexDigit
            (* OK *)
            GROUPCREATED        for 1 
            GROUPDELETED        for 2
            REGISTERED          for 3
            DEREGISTERED        for 4
            MESSAGESENT         for 5
            ADMINMODERCHANGED   for 6 (* Admin or Moderator was changed successfully *)
            SENTTOMODERATOR     for 7
            GROUPWASDELETED     for 8 (* Multicast when a group is deleted *)
            (* Errors *)
            GROUPEXISTS         for 9
            GROUPDOESNOTEXIST   for A
            MEMBERNOTINGROUP    for B
            NOTADMINMODER       for C
            NOADMINGROUP        for D
            NOMODERGROUP        for E
            UNKNOWNREQUEST      for F
endtype     (* AckType0 *)

(* Additional operation to encode lists of members. *)
type    AckType is AckType0, MIDListType 
        MembersAre  : MIDList   -> Ack
        forall  m: MIDList
        ofsort Nat
        (* for comparison with other Acks *)
        NatNum(MembersAre(m))  = succ(NatNum(UNKNOWNREQUEST)); 
endtype (* AckType *)

(* Instances of messages that can be multicast (for readability). *)
(* A message should be, however, a bit string. *)
type    InfoMsgType is Boolean
sorts   InfoMsg 
        GroupIsDeleted      :   -> InfoMsg
endtype (* InfoMsgType *)


(* Encoding/Decoding of messages *)
(* Several types of packets are needed. *)
(* Supplemental packet types are provided for simpler execution *)
type    MsgType is GCSinfoRecordType, RequestType, AckType, InfoMsgType  
sorts   Msg
         * No Message Packet.  Used for:
         *      Group deletion
         *      List members
         *      List groups
         *      Deregister
        NoMsg   : -> Msg
         * General Packet for Group Creation: 
         *       Channel Type    (of Chan)
         *       ChanID          (od CID)
         *       Administered?   (of Bool)
         *       Administrator   (of MID)
         *       Opened?         (of Bool)
         *       Private?        (of Bool)
         *       Moderated?      (of Bool)
         *       Moderator       (of MID)
        Encode      : Chan, CID, Bool, MID, Bool, Bool, Bool, MID   -> Msg
        (* Extraction Operations *)
        ChanType    : Msg                                           -> Chan
        ChanID      : Msg                                           -> CID
        IsAdmin     : Msg                                           -> Bool
        Admin       : Msg                                           -> MID
        IsOpened    : Msg                                           -> Bool
        IsPrivate   : Msg                                           -> Bool
        IsModerated : Msg                                           -> Bool
        Moderator   : Msg                                           -> MID
         * Packet for Group Administrator modification: 
         *      Administrator   (of MID)
         *      Private?        (of Bool)
         * Packet for Group Moderator modification:
         *      Moderator   (of MID)
         *      Moderated?  (of Bool)
        Encode      : MID, Bool     -> Msg
        (* Modification Operations *)
        SetAdmin    : MID, Bool, Msg-> Msg
        SetModer    : MID, Bool, Msg-> Msg  

         * Packet for moderator approval
        ToApprove   : Msg   -> Ack
         * Packets for multicasting
        Encode  : InfoMsg   -> Msg
        Encode  : Ack       -> Msg
        (* Modification Operations *)
        GetAck  : Msg       -> Ack
        GetInfo : Msg       -> InfoMsg

         * Packet for subscription
         *      ChanID  (of CID)
        Encode  : CID       -> Msg
         * Packet for subscription by Administrator (for private groups)
         *      NewMember   (of MID)
         *      ChanID      (of CID)
        Encode      : MID, CID  -> Msg
        NewMember   : Msg       -> MID
        forall  msg                 : Msg,
                info                : InfoMsg,
                CT                  : Chan,
                ChID                : CID,
                Adm, NewAdm, Mem,
                Mod, NewMod         : MID,
                AB, OB, PB, NewPB, 
                MB, NewMB           : Bool,
                ack                 : Ack

        ofsort Chan
        ChanType(Encode(CT, ChID, AB, Adm, OB, PB, MB, Mod))    = CT;

        ofsort CID
        ChanID(Encode(CT, ChID, AB, Adm, OB, PB, MB, Mod))      = ChID;
        ChanID(Encode(ChID))                                    = ChID;
        ChanID(Encode(Mem, ChID))                               = ChID;
        ofsort Bool
        IsAdmin(Encode(CT, ChID, AB, Adm, OB, PB, MB, Mod))     = AB;
        IsOpened(Encode(CT, ChID, AB, Adm, OB, PB, MB, Mod))    = OB;
        IsPrivate(Encode(CT, ChID, AB, Adm, OB, PB, MB, Mod))   = PB;
        IsPrivate(Encode(Adm, PB))                              = PB;
        IsModerated(Encode(CT, ChID, AB, Adm, OB, PB, MB, Mod)) = MB;
        IsModerated(Encode(Mod, MB))                            = MB;
        ofsort MID
        Admin(Encode(CT, ChID, AB, Adm, OB, PB, MB, Mod))       = Adm;
        Admin(Encode(Adm, PB))                                  = Adm;
        Moderator(Encode(CT, ChID, AB, Adm, OB, PB, MB, Mod))   = Mod;
        Moderator(Encode(Mod, MB))                              = Mod;
        NewMember(Encode(Mem, ChID))                            = Mem;
        ofsort InfoMsg
        GetInfo(Encode(info))                                   = info;
        ofsort Ack
        GetAck(Encode(ack))                                     = ack;

        ofsort Msg
        (* If the group becomes unadministred (the new admin is Nobody), *)
        (* then it must be public. *)
            NewAdm eq Nobody =>
        SetAdmin(NewAdm, NewPB, Encode(CT, ChID, AB, Adm, OB, PB, MB, Mod)) =
                        Encode(CT, ChID, false, NewAdm, OB, false, MB, Mod);                      
            NewAdm ne Nobody =>
        SetAdmin(NewAdm, NewPB, Encode(CT, ChID, AB, Adm, OB, PB, MB, Mod)) =
                        Encode(CT, ChID, AB, NewAdm, OB, NewPB, MB, Mod);
        (* If the new moderator is Nobody, the group becomes unmoderated *)
            NewMod eq NoBody =>
        SetModer(NewMod, NewMB, Encode(CT, ChID, AB, Adm, OB, PB, MB, Mod)) =
                        Encode(CT, ChID, AB, Adm, OB, PB, false, NewMod);
            NewMod ne NoBody =>
        SetModer(NewMod, NewMB, Encode(CT, ChID, AB, Adm, OB, PB, MB, Mod)) =
                        Encode(CT, ChID, AB, Adm, OB, PB, NewMB, NewMod);
        ofsort Nat
        (* for comparison with other Acks *)                
        NatNum(ToApprove(msg))  = succ(succ(NatNum(UNKNOWNREQUEST)));
endtype (* MsgType *)


 * Buffering of requests and acknowledgements
 * A generic type is created and actualized as
 * FIFO buffers for reqs and acks.

(* Generic FIFO type definition *)
type    FIFOType is Boolean 
sorts   FIFO
        Nothing :               -> FIFO
        Put     : Element, FIFO -> FIFO
        Get     : FIFO          -> Element
        Consume : FIFO          -> FIFO
        ErrorFIFO:              -> Element
        IsEmpty : FIFO          -> Bool
        forall f:FIFO, e, e2 :Element
        ofsort FIFO
        Consume(Nothing)            = Nothing;
        Consume(Put(e, Nothing))    = Nothing;
        Consume(Put(e2,Put(e,f)))   = Put(e2, Consume(Put(e, f)));
        ofsort Element
        Get(Nothing)                = ErrorFIFO;
        Get(Put(e, Nothing))        = e;
        Get(Put(e2, Put(e, f)))     = Get(Put(e, f));
        ofsort Bool
        IsEmpty(Nothing)            = true;
        IsEmpty(Put(e,f))           = false;            
endtype (* FIFO *)

(* Encoding of requests and acknowledgements as Records *)
type    BufferEncodingType is MIDType, AckType, RequestType, MsgType
sorts   ReqRecord, AckRecord
        AckElem     : MID, Ack          -> AckRecord
        ReqElem     : MID, Request, Msg -> ReqRecord 

        S           : AckRecord         -> MID      (* Extract Sender *)
        A           : AckRecord         -> Ack      (* Extract Ack *)
        S           : ReqRecord         -> MID      (* Extract Sender *)
        R           : ReqRecord         -> Request  (* Extract Request *)
        M           : ReqRecord         -> Msg      (* Extract Message *)
        forall S1:MID, A1:Ack, R1:Request, M1:Msg
        ofsort MID
        S(AckElem(S1, A1))      = S1;
        S(ReqElem(S1, R1, M1))  = S1;
        ofsort Ack
        A(AckElem(S1, A1))      = A1;
        ofsort Request
        R(ReqElem(S1, R1, M1))  = R1;
        ofsort Msg
        M(ReqElem(S1, R1, M1))  = M1;
endtype (* BufferEncodingType *)

(* Actualization (and renaming) of a Buffer type for records of requests *)
type            FIFOreqsType0 is FIFOType
actualizedby    BufferEncodingType using
                ReqRecord for Element
endtype         (* FIFOreqsType *)

type        FIFOreqsType is FIFOreqsType0 renamedby                
            FIFOreqs for FIFO
            NoReq    for Nothing
endtype         (* FIFOreqsType0 *)

(* Actualization (and renaming) of a Buffer type for records of acks *)
type            FIFOacksType0 is FIFOType
actualizedby    BufferEncodingType using
                AckRecord for Element
endtype         (* FIFOacksType0 *)

type        FIFOacksType is FIFOacksType0 renamedby                
            FIFOacks for FIFO
            NoAck    for Nothing
endtype         (* FIFOacksType *)

(*              Main behaviour                *)

behaviour Control_Team [mgcs_ch, gcs_ch, out_ch] where (********************************************* * * Structure of Control Team * *********************************************) process Control_Team [mgcs_ch, gcs_ch, out_ch] : noexit := hide agcs_ch in (* Administrative channel *) ( MGCS[agcs_ch, mgcs_ch](NoGCS) (* Management *) |[agcs_ch]| Spawn_GCS[agcs_ch, gcs_ch, out_ch] (* GCS spawning *) ) endproc (* Control_Team *) (*************************************************************************** * * Master Group Communication Server (MGCS) * * Listens on the MGCS channel for requests for: * - the creation of a new Group Communication Server (GCS) * - the list of existing GCS * ***************************************************************************) process MGCS[agcs_ch, mgcs_ch](GCSlist:GroupList) :noexit:= (* Request for the creation of a new GCS *) (* the ID of the group must not be used by an existing group *) mgcs_ch ?caller:MID !CREATEGROUP ?newgroupid:GID ?infos:msg; ( [newgroupid IsIn GCSlist] -> mgcs_ch !caller! GROUPEXISTS !newgroupid; MGCS[agcs_ch, mgcs_ch](GCSlist) [] [newgroupid NotIn GCSlist] -> agcs_ch !CREATEGROUP !newgroupid !Insert(caller.ChanID(infos), NoMBR) ! infos; mgcs_ch !caller !GROUPCREATED !newgroupid; MGCS[agcs_ch, mgcs_ch](Insert(newgroupid, GCSlist)) ) [] (* Request for the list of existing groups *) mgcs_ch ?caller:MID !GROUPS; mgcs_ch !caller !GCSlist; MGCS[agcs_ch, mgcs_ch](GCSlist) [] (* Process destruction of a GCS. All verifications were done by the GCS. *) (* Used to update the goup list database *) [GCSlist ne NoGCS]-> (* allowed only if there exists at least one group *) agcs_ch !GROUPDELETED ?id:GID; MGCS [agcs_ch, mgcs_ch](Remove(id, GCSlist)) endproc (* MGCS *) (*************************************************************************** * * Spawn Group Communication Server * * Creates a new GCS and forwards messages to it. * ***************************************************************************) process Spawn_GCS[agcs_ch, gcs_ch, out_ch] :noexit:= agcs_ch !CREATEGROUP ?id:GID ?mbrL:MemberList ?infos: msg; ( GCS_Team[agcs_ch, gcs_ch, out_ch] (id, mbrL, infos) ||| Spawn_GCS[agcs_ch, gcs_ch, out_ch] ) endproc (* Spawn_GCS *) (***************************************** * * Structure of GCS Team * *****************************************) process GCS_Team[agcs_ch, gcs_ch, out_ch] (id:GID, mbrL:MemberList, infos:msg) : exit := hide inter_ch in DoubleBuffer[agcs_ch, gcs_ch, inter_ch](id, false, NoReq, NoAck) |[inter_ch]| GCS[inter_ch, out_ch] (id, mbrL, infos) endproc (* GCS_Team *) (*************************************************************************** * * DoubleBuffer * * Routes messages for group ID from gcs_ch on inter_ch; ignores others. * Routes back acknowledgements to sender or to master. * Used for decoupling. Avoids waiting for all GCS to be ready for a * request to be processed. * * Requests and acknowledgements are buffered. * We use an infinite, 2-way buffer that holds two ordered lists * (for acks and requests). * ***************************************************************************) process DoubleBuffer[agcs_ch, gcs_ch, inter_ch](id:GID, terminated: Bool, bufreqs:FIFOreqs, bufacks:FIFOacks ) :exit:= (* Buffer requests from senders. *) (* Refuse them if group is deleted (terminated) *) [Not(terminated)] -> ( gcs_ch ?sender:MID !id ?req:Request ?msg:Msg; DoubleBuffer[agcs_ch, gcs_ch, inter_ch](id, terminated, Put(ReqElem(sender, req, msg), bufreqs), bufacks) ) [] (* Forwards buffered requests to GCS *) [Not(IsEmpty(bufreqs))] -> ( inter_ch !S(Get(bufreqs)) !R(Get(bufreqs)) !M(Get(bufreqs)); DoubleBuffer[agcs_ch, gcs_ch, inter_ch](id, terminated, Consume(bufreqs), bufacks) ) [] (* Buffer acks from GCS. *) inter_ch ?sender:MID ?ack:Ack; DoubleBuffer[agcs_ch, gcs_ch, inter_ch](id, terminated, bufreqs, Put(AckElem(sender, ack), bufacks)) [] (* Forwards buffered acks to senders *) [Not(IsEmpty(bufacks))] -> ( [A(Get(bufacks)) eq GROUPDELETED] -> (* Intercept this special case of ack. *) (* Informs MGCS of deletion, for dBase update. *) agcs_ch ! GROUPDELETED ! id; (* Forward ack to sender, empty the request buffer, *) (* and terminate listening *) gcs_ch !S(Get(bufacks)) !A(Get(bufacks)) !id; DoubleBuffer[agcs_ch, gcs_ch, inter_ch](id, true, NoReq, Consume(bufacks)) [] [A(Get(bufacks)) ne GROUPDELETED] -> (* Forward ack to sender *) gcs_ch !S(Get(bufacks)) !A(Get(bufacks)) !id; DoubleBuffer[agcs_ch, gcs_ch, inter_ch](id, terminated, bufreqs, Consume(bufacks)) ) [] (* After everyone has been informed of the group deletion, terminate. *) (* Waits for Req and Ack buffers to be empty *) [IsEmpty(bufreqs) and IsEmpty(bufacks) and terminated] -> inter_ch ! GROUPDELETED; exit endproc (* DoubleBuffer *) (*************************************************************************** * * Group Communication Server (GCS) * * inter_ch: to communicate with sender and master (for administration) * out_ch: to multicast messages to members * * Receives requests on inter_ch with event structure: * !MID !Request !Msg * Gives acknowledgements with event structure: * !MID !Ack * ***************************************************************************) process GCS[inter_ch, out_ch](id:GID, mbrL:MemberList, infos:msg) :exit:= (* gets the request from the sender *) inter_ch ?sender:MID ?req:Request ?msg:Msg; ( [req eq DELETEGROUP] -> Req_DeleteGroup[inter_ch, out_ch](sender, msg, id, mbrL, infos) [] (* provides the list of group members *) [req eq MEMBERS] -> Req_Members[inter_ch, out_ch](sender, msg, id, mbrL, infos) [] (* subscription *) [req eq REGISTER] -> Req_Register[inter_ch, out_ch](sender, msg, id, mbrL, infos) [] (* unsubscription *) [req eq DEREGISTER] -> Req_DeRegister[inter_ch, out_ch](sender, msg, id, mbrL, infos) [] (* destruction of the group by the administrator *) (* change the moderator *) [req eq CHANGEMODER] -> Req_ChangeModer[inter_ch, out_ch](sender, msg, id, mbrL, infos) [] (* change the administrator *) [req eq CHANGEADMIN] -> Req_ChangeAdmin[inter_ch, out_ch](sender, msg, id, mbrL, infos) [] (* multicasting messages; will block until successful *) [req eq MULTICAST] -> Req_Multicast[inter_ch, out_ch](sender, msg, id, mbrL, infos) ) where process Req_DeleteGroup[inter_ch, out_ch](sender: MID, msg: Msg, id:GID, mbrL:MemberList, infos:msg) :exit:= [not(IsAdmin(infos)) or (Admin(infos) eq sender)] -> ( (* Inform members other than sender *) Multicast[inter_ch](sender,Encode(GROUPWASDELETED), RemoveMBR(sender, mbrL), false)>> inter_ch !sender !GROUPDELETED; inter_ch !GROUPDELETED; exit ) [] [IsAdmin(infos) and (Admin(infos) ne sender)] -> inter_ch !sender !NOTADMINMODER; GCS[inter_ch, out_ch](id, mbrL, infos) endproc (* Req_DeleteGroup *) process Req_Members[inter_ch, out_ch](sender: MID, msg: Msg, id:GID, mbrL:MemberList, infos:msg) :exit:= (* Check if group is private *) [not(IsPrivate(infos)) or (IsPrivate(infos) and (sender IsIn MembersOnly(mbrL)))] -> inter_ch !sender !MembersAre(MembersOnly(mbrL)); GCS[inter_ch, out_ch](id, mbrL, infos) [] [IsPrivate(infos) and (sender NotIn MembersOnly(mbrL))] -> inter_ch !sender !MEMBERNOTINGROUP; GCS[inter_ch, out_ch](id, mbrL, infos) endproc (* Req_Members *) process Req_Register[inter_ch, out_ch](sender: MID, msg: Msg, id:GID, mbrL:MemberList, infos:msg) :exit:= [not(IsPrivate(infos))] -> (* Register only if group is public *) inter_ch !sender !REGISTERED; ( [sender NotIn MembersOnly(mbrl)] -> (* Insert pair MID.CID *) GCS[inter_ch, out_ch] (id, Insert(sender.ChanId(msg), mbrL), infos) [] [sender IsIn MembersOnly(mbrl)] -> (* Modify CID only *) GCS[inter_ch, out_ch] (id, Insert(sender.ChanId(msg), RemoveMBR(sender,mbrL)), infos) ) [] [IsPrivate(infos)] -> ( [sender ne Admin(infos)] -> (* Cannot register; group is private *) inter_ch !sender !NOTADMINMODER; GCS[inter_ch, out_ch](id, mbrL, infos) [] [sender eq Admin(infos)] -> (* Admin can register another member in private group *) inter_ch !sender !REGISTERED; ( [NewMember(msg) NotIn MembersOnly(mbrl)] -> (* Insert pair MID.CID *) GCS[inter_ch, out_ch] (id, Insert(NewMember(msg).ChanId(msg), mbrL), infos) [] [NewMember(msg) IsIn MembersOnly(mbrl)] -> (* Modify CID only *) GCS[inter_ch, out_ch] (id, Insert(NewMember(msg).ChanId(msg), RemoveMBR(NewMember(msg),mbrL)), infos) ) ) endproc (* Req_Register *) process Req_DeRegister[inter_ch, out_ch](sender: MID, msg: Msg, id:GID, mbrL:MemberList, infos:msg) :exit:= (* Is sender a member of the group? *) [sender IsIn MembersOnly(mbrL)] -> inter_ch !sender !DEREGISTERED; ( [Card(mbrL) eq succ(0)] -> (* the GCS dies if no member left *) (* We do not need to inform the members... *) inter_ch !sender !GROUPDELETED; inter_ch !GROUPDELETED; exit [] [Card(mbrL) ne succ(0)] -> GCS[inter_ch, out_ch](id, RemoveMBR(sender, mbrL), infos) ) [] [sender NotIn MembersOnly(mbrL)] -> inter_ch !sender !MEMBERNOTINGROUP; GCS[inter_ch, out_ch](id, mbrL, infos) endproc (* Req_DeRegister *) process Req_ChangeModer[inter_ch, out_ch](sender: MID, msg: Msg, id:GID, mbrL:MemberList, infos:msg) :exit:= (* The group does not have a moderator *) (* (and the sender is not admin) *) [not(IsModerated(infos)) and not(IsAdmin(infos) and (Admin(infos) eq sender))] -> inter_ch !sender !NOMODERGROUP; GCS[inter_ch, out_ch](id, mbrL, infos) [] (* The sender does not have the privilege to change moder *) (* (neither admin, nor moderator *) [(IsModerated(infos) and (Moderator(infos) ne sender)) and ((IsAdmin(infos) and (Admin(infos) ne sender) or not(IsAdmin(infos)))) ]-> inter_ch !sender !NOTADMINMODER; GCS[inter_ch, out_ch](id, mbrL, infos) [] (* The sender has the privilege. *) [(IsModerated(infos) and (Moderator(infos) eq sender)) or (IsAdmin(infos) and (Admin(infos) eq sender))] -> ( (* If the group is closed, *) (* then moderator must be a group member *) [not(IsOpened(infos)) and (Moderator(msg) NotIn mbrL)] -> inter_ch !sender !MEMBERNOTINGROUP; GCS[inter_ch, out_ch](id, mbrL, infos) [] [IsOpened(infos) or (Moderator(msg) IsIn mbrL)] -> inter_ch !sender !ADMINMODERCHANGED; GCS[inter_ch, out_ch] (id, mbrL, SetModer(Moderator(msg), IsPrivate(msg), infos)) ) endproc (* Req_ChangeModer *) process Req_ChangeAdmin[inter_ch, out_ch](sender: MID, msg: Msg, id:GID, mbrL:MemberList, infos:msg) :exit:= (* The group does not have an administrator *) [not(IsAdmin(infos))] -> inter_ch !sender !NOADMINGROUP; GCS[inter_ch, out_ch](id, mbrL, infos) [] (* The sender does not have the privilege to change admin *) [IsAdmin(infos) and (Admin(infos) ne sender)] -> inter_ch !sender !NOTADMINMODER; GCS[inter_ch, out_ch](id, mbrL, infos) [] (* The sender has the privilege. *) [IsAdmin(infos) and (Admin(infos) eq sender)] -> ( [Admin(msg) NotIn mbrL] -> inter_ch !sender !MEMBERNOTINGROUP; GCS[inter_ch, out_ch](id, mbrL, infos) [] [Admin(msg) IsIn mbrL] -> inter_ch !sender !ADMINMODERCHANGED; GCS[inter_ch, out_ch] (id, mbrL, SetAdmin(Admin(msg), IsPrivate(msg), infos)) ) endproc (* Req_ChangeAdmin *) process Req_Multicast[inter_ch, out_ch](sender: MID, msg: Msg, id:GID, mbrL:MemberList, infos:msg) :exit:= (* Is the group Opened, or is the sender a member of the group? *) [IsOpened(infos) or (not(IsOpened(infos)) and (sender IsIn MembersOnly(mbrl)))] -> ( (* Not moderated, or sender is moderator *) [not(IsModerated(infos)) or (IsModerated(infos) and (sender eq Moderator(infos)))] -> ( Multicast[out_ch](sender, msg, mbrL, true) >> inter_ch !sender !MESSAGESENT; GCS[inter_ch, out_ch](id, mbrL, infos) ) [] (* Moderated, and sender is not moderator. *) (* Forward to group moderator only, for approval *) [IsModerated(infos) and (sender ne Moderator(infos))] -> ( inter_ch !Moderator(infos) !ToApprove(msg); inter_ch !sender !SENTTOMODERATOR; GCS[inter_ch, out_ch](id, mbrL, infos) ) ) [] [not(IsOpened(infos)) and (sender NotIn MembersOnly(mbrl))]-> ( inter_ch !sender !MEMBERNOTINGROUP; GCS[inter_ch, out_ch](id, mbrL, infos) ) endproc (* Req_Multicast *) endproc (* GCS *) (*************************************************************************** * * Multicast * * Send the message to all subscriber of the group (concurrently). * No other message will be multicast until all members of the group * received it. * ***************************************************************************) process Multicast[out](sender:MID, msg:Msg, mbrL:MemberList, UseChannel: Bool) : exit := [mbrL eq NoMBR] -> exit [] [mbrL ne NoMBR] -> ( ( [UseChannel] -> (* Multicasts message to members on their appropriate data channel *) out !Top(mbrL) !sender !msg; exit [] [Not(UseChannel)] -> (* Use request/ack channel *) out !MID(Top(mbrl)) !GetAck(msg); exit ) ||| Multicast[out](sender, msg, Tail(mbrL), UseChannel) (* loop... *) ) endproc (* Multicast *) (*============================================*) (* Test Cases *) (*============================================*) (* Check group creation and deletion. *) process Test1 [mgcs_ch, gcs_ch, out_ch, success]:noexit := mgcs_ch !0 of MID !CREATEGROUP !a of GID !Encode(Mail, 4, false, Nobody, true, false, false, Nobody); mgcs_ch !0 of MID !GROUPCREATED !a of GID; mgcs_ch !9 of MID !CREATEGROUP !b of GID !Encode(Video, 4, false, Nobody, true, false, false, Nobody); mgcs_ch !9 of MID !GROUPCREATED !b of GID; mgcs_ch !0 of MID !GROUPS; mgcs_ch !0 of MID !Insert(b, Insert(a, NoGCS)); gcs_ch !1 of MID !a of GID !REGISTER !Encode(0 of CID); gcs_ch !1 of MID !REGISTERED !a of GID; mgcs_ch !1 of MID !GROUPS; mgcs_ch !1 of MID !Insert(b, Insert(a, NoGCS)); gcs_ch !1 of MID !a of GID !MEMBERS !NoMsg; gcs_ch !1 of MID !MembersAre(Insert(1, Insert(0, Empty))) !a of GID; gcs_ch !9 of MID !a of GID !DELETEGROUP !NoMsg; ( gcs_ch !0 of MID !GROUPWASDELETED !a of GID; exit ||| gcs_ch !1 of MID !GROUPWASDELETED !a of GID; exit ) >> gcs_ch !9 of MID !GROUPDELETED !a of GID; mgcs_ch !1 of MID !GROUPS; mgcs_ch !1 of MID !Insert(b, NoGCS); success; stop endproc (* Test1 *) (* Check group administration. *) process Test2 [mgcs_ch, gcs_ch, out_ch, success]:noexit := mgcs_ch !0 of MID !CREATEGROUP !a of GID !Encode(Mail, 4, true, 0, true, false, false, Nobody); (* NOTE: We should not have to indicate the admin. *) mgcs_ch !0 of MID !GROUPCREATED !a of GID; mgcs_ch !1 of MID !CREATEGROUP !b of GID !Encode(Text, 4, true, 1, true, false, false, Nobody); mgcs_ch !1 of MID !GROUPCREATED !b of GID; mgcs_ch !9 of MID !CREATEGROUP !c of GID !Encode(Video, 4, false, Nobody, true, false, false, Nobody); mgcs_ch !9 of MID !GROUPCREATED !c of GID; mgcs_ch !0 of MID !GROUPS; mgcs_ch !0 of MID !Insert(c, Insert(b, Insert(a, NoGCS))); gcs_ch !2 of MID !a of GID !REGISTER !Encode(0 of CID); gcs_ch !2 of MID !REGISTERED !a of GID; gcs_ch !9 of MID !a of GID !DELETEGROUP !NoMsg; gcs_ch !9 of MID !NOTADMINMODER !a of GID; gcs_ch !1 of MID !b of GID !DELETEGROUP !NoMsg; gcs_ch !1 of MID !GROUPDELETED !b of GID; gcs_ch !1 of MID !a of GID !CHANGEADMIN !Encode(2 of MID, false); gcs_ch !1 of MID !NOTADMINMODER !a of GID; gcs_ch !2 of MID !a of GID !CHANGEADMIN !Encode(2 of MID, false); gcs_ch !2 of MID !NOTADMINMODER !a of GID; gcs_ch !0 of MID !a of GID !CHANGEADMIN !Encode(1 of MID, false); gcs_ch !0 of MID !MEMBERNOTINGROUP !a of GID; gcs_ch !0 of MID !a of GID !CHANGEADMIN !Encode(2 of MID, false); gcs_ch !0 of MID !ADMINMODERCHANGED !a of GID; mgcs_ch !0 of MID !GROUPS; mgcs_ch !0 of MID !Insert(c, Insert(a, NoGCS)); gcs_ch !2 of MID !a of GID !CHANGEADMIN !Encode(2 of MID, false); gcs_ch !2 of MID !ADMINMODERCHANGED !a of GID; gcs_ch !0 of MID !a of GID !DELETEGROUP !NoMsg; gcs_ch !0 of MID !NOTADMINMODER !a of GID; gcs_ch !2 of MID !a of GID !DELETEGROUP !NoMsg; gcs_ch !0 of MID !GROUPWASDELETED !a of GID; gcs_ch !2 of MID !GROUPDELETED !a of GID; mgcs_ch !0 of MID !GROUPS; mgcs_ch !0 of MID !Insert(c, NoGCS); gcs_ch !9 of MID !c of GID !CHANGEADMIN !Encode(2 of MID, false); gcs_ch !9 of MID !NOADMINGROUP !c of GID; (* Make this group administered and private *) mgcs_ch !5 of MID !CREATEGROUP !d of GID !Encode(Audio, 4, true, 5, true, true, false, Nobody); mgcs_ch !5 of MID !GROUPCREATED !d of GID; gcs_ch !2 of MID !d of GID !REGISTER !Encode(0 of CID); gcs_ch !2 of MID !NOTADMINMODER !d of GID; gcs_ch !5 of MID !d of GID !REGISTER !Encode(6 of MID, 7 of CID); gcs_ch !5 of MID !REGISTERED !d of GID; gcs_ch !9 of MID !d of GID !MEMBERS !NoMsg; gcs_ch !9 of MID !MEMBERNOTINGROUP !d of GID ; gcs_ch !5 of MID !d of GID !MEMBERS !NoMsg; gcs_ch !5 of MID !MembersAre(Insert(6, Insert(5, Empty))) !d of GID; success; stop endproc (* Test2 *) (* Check multicasting *) process Test3 [mgcs_ch, gcs_ch, out_ch, success]:noexit := mgcs_ch !0 of MID !CREATEGROUP !a of GID !Encode(Mail, 0, false, Nobody, true, false, false, Nobody); mgcs_ch !0 of MID !GROUPCREATED !a of GID; gcs_ch !1 of MID !a of GID !REGISTER !Encode(0 of CID); gcs_ch !1 of MID !REGISTERED !a of GID; gcs_ch !2 of MID !a of GID !REGISTER !Encode(0 of CID); gcs_ch !2 of MID !REGISTERED !a of GID; gcs_ch !9 of MID !a of GID !MEMBERS !NoMsg; gcs_ch !9 of MID !MembersAre(Insert(2, Insert(1, Insert(0, Empty)))) !a of GID; gcs_ch !7 of MID !a of GID !MULTICAST !Encode(Hello); (* NOTE: All CIDs are 0 by default for the moment *) out_ch !0.0 !7 of MID !Encode(Hello); (* any order! *) out_ch !2.0 !7 of MID !Encode(Hello); out_ch !1.0 !7 of MID !Encode(Hello); gcs_ch !7 of MID !MESSAGESENT !a of GID; gcs_ch !9 of MID !a of GID !DELETEGROUP !NoMsg; (* Each member is informed *) ( gcs_ch !1 of MID !GROUPWASDELETED !a of GID; exit (* any order! *) ||| gcs_ch !2 of MID !GROUPWASDELETED !a of GID; exit ||| gcs_ch !0 of MID !GROUPWASDELETED !a of GID; exit ) >> gcs_ch !9 of MID !GROUPDELETED !a of GID; mgcs_ch !1 of MID !GROUPS; mgcs_ch !1 of MID !NoGCS; success; stop endproc (* Test3 *) (* More realistic scenario, with all data (even if not used) *) process Test4 [mgcs_ch, gcs_ch, out_ch, success]:noexit := (* Create group A, administered by 0. CID of member 0 is 4. *) mgcs_ch !0 of MID !CREATEGROUP !A of GID !Encode(Mail, 4, true, 0, true, false, false, 0); mgcs_ch !0 of MID !GROUPCREATED !A of GID; (* 1 joins A on its CID 8 *) gcs_ch !1 of MID !a of GID !REGISTER !Encode(8 of CID); gcs_ch !1 of MID !REGISTERED !a of GID; (* 2 joins A on its CID 2 *) gcs_ch !2 of MID !a of GID !REGISTER !Encode(2 of CID); gcs_ch !2 of MID !REGISTERED !a of GID; (* List members of group A *) gcs_ch !9 of MID !a of GID !MEMBERS !NoMsg; gcs_ch !9 of MID !MembersAre(Insert(2, Insert(1, Insert(0, Empty)))) !a of GID; (* 7 multicasts a Hello message on group A *) gcs_ch !7 of MID !a of GID !MULTICAST !Encode(Hello); out_ch !0.4 !7 of MID !Encode(Hello); (* any order! *) out_ch !2.2 !7 of MID !Encode(Hello); out_ch !1.8 !7 of MID !Encode(Hello); gcs_ch !7 of MID !MESSAGESENT !a of GID; (* 2 tries to destroy the administred group A *) gcs_ch !2 of MID !a of GID !DELETEGROUP !NoMsg; gcs_ch !2 of MID !NOTADMINMODER !a of GID; (* 0 decides to destroy the administred group A *) gcs_ch !0 of MID !a of GID !DELETEGROUP !NoMsg; (* Each other member is informed *) ( gcs_ch !2 of MID !GROUPWASDELETED !a of GID; exit (* any order! *) ||| gcs_ch !1 of MID !GROUPWASDELETED !a of GID; exit ) >> gcs_ch !0 of MID !GROUPDELETED !a of GID; (* List the remaining groups *) mgcs_ch !1 of MID !GROUPS; mgcs_ch !1 of MID !NoGCS; success; stop endproc (* Test4 *) (* Check possible deadlocks with DoubleBuffer *) process Test5 [mgcs_ch, gcs_ch, out_ch, success]:noexit := (* Create group A, administered by 0. CID of member 0 is 4. *) mgcs_ch !0 of MID !CREATEGROUP !a of GID !Encode(Mail, 4, true, 0, false, false, false, 0); mgcs_ch !0 of MID !GROUPCREATED !a of GID; (* 9 lists members of group A *) gcs_ch !9 of MID !a of GID !MEMBERS !NoMsg; (* so does 8 right after... *) gcs_ch !8 of MID !a of GID !MEMBERS !NoMsg; (* In theory, we should have this, but Listen will deadlock... *) ( gcs_ch !9 of MID !MembersAre(Insert(0, Empty)) !a of GID; exit ||| gcs_ch !8 of MID !MembersAre(Insert(0, Empty)) !a of GID; exit ) >> success; stop endproc (* Test5 *) (* Test Opened/closed, with all data *) process Test6 [mgcs_ch, gcs_ch, out_ch, success]:noexit := (* Create Closed group A, administered by 0. CID of member 0 is 4. *) mgcs_ch !0 of MID !CREATEGROUP !A of GID !Encode(Mail, 4, true, 0, false, false, false, 0); mgcs_ch !0 of MID !GROUPCREATED !A of GID; (* 1 joins A on its CID 8 *) gcs_ch !1 of MID !a of GID !REGISTER !Encode(8 of CID); gcs_ch !1 of MID !REGISTERED !a of GID; (* Create Opened group B, administered by 2. CID of member 2 is 4. *) mgcs_ch !2 of MID !CREATEGROUP !B of GID !Encode(Mail, 4, true, 0, true, false, false, 0); mgcs_ch !2 of MID !GROUPCREATED !B of GID; (* 3 joins B on its CID 2 *) gcs_ch !3 of MID !b of GID !REGISTER !Encode(2 of CID); gcs_ch !3 of MID !REGISTERED !b of GID; (* 7 multicasts a Hello message on group A (Closed). Should not work. *) gcs_ch !7 of MID !a of GID !MULTICAST !Encode(Hello); gcs_ch !7 of MID !MEMBERNOTINGROUP !a of GID; (* 7 multicasts a Hello message on group B (Opened). Should work. *) gcs_ch !7 of MID !b of GID !MULTICAST !Encode(Hello); out_ch !2.4 !7 of MID !Encode(Hello); (* any order! *) out_ch !3.2 !7 of MID !Encode(Hello); gcs_ch !7 of MID !MESSAGESENT !b of GID; (* 1 multicasts a Hello message on group A (Closed). Should work. *) gcs_ch !1 of MID !a of GID !MULTICAST !Encode(Hello); out_ch !0.4 !1 of MID !Encode(Hello); (* any order! *) out_ch !1.8 !1 of MID !Encode(Hello); gcs_ch !1 of MID !MESSAGESENT !a of GID; (* 2 multicasts a Hello message on group B (Opened). Should work. *) gcs_ch !2 of MID !b of GID !MULTICAST !Encode(Hello); out_ch !3.2 !2 of MID !Encode(Hello); (* any order! *) out_ch !2.4 !2 of MID !Encode(Hello); gcs_ch !2 of MID !MESSAGESENT !b of GID; success; stop endproc (* Test6 *) (* Test Moderator functionalities, with all data *) process Test7 [mgcs_ch, gcs_ch, out_ch, success]:noexit := (* Create Opened/Moderated group A, administered by 0, *) (* moderated by 1. CID of member 0 is 4. *) mgcs_ch !0 of MID !CREATEGROUP !A of GID !Encode(Mail, 4, true, 0, true, false, true, 1); mgcs_ch !0 of MID !GROUPCREATED !A of GID; (* 1 joins A on its CID 8 *) gcs_ch !1 of MID !a of GID !REGISTER !Encode(8 of CID); gcs_ch !1 of MID !REGISTERED !a of GID; (* Create Closed/Unmoderated group B, administered by 2, *) (* CID of member 2 is 4. *) mgcs_ch !2 of MID !CREATEGROUP !B of GID !Encode(Mail, 4, true, 0, false, false, false, Nobody); mgcs_ch !2 of MID !GROUPCREATED !B of GID; (* 3 joins B on its CID 2 *) gcs_ch !3 of MID !b of GID !REGISTER !Encode(2 of CID); gcs_ch !3 of MID !REGISTERED !b of GID; (* 7 multicasts a Hello message on group A (Moderated). *) (* Should be forwarded to Moderator *) gcs_ch !7 of MID !a of GID !MULTICAST !Encode(Hello); gcs_ch !1 of MID !ToApprove(Encode(Hello)) !a of GID; gcs_ch !7 of MID !SENTTOMODERATOR !a of GID; (* 2 multicasts a Hello message on group B (Closed). Should work. *) gcs_ch !2 of MID !b of GID !MULTICAST !Encode(Hello); out_ch !2.4 !2 of MID !Encode(Hello); (* any order! *) out_ch !3.2 !2 of MID !Encode(Hello); gcs_ch !2 of MID !MESSAGESENT !b of GID; (* Moderator (1) multicasts a Hello message on group A (Moderated). *) (* Should work as normal. *) gcs_ch !1 of MID !a of GID !MULTICAST !Encode(Hello); out_ch !0.4 !1 of MID !Encode(Hello); (* any order! *) out_ch !1.8 !1 of MID !Encode(Hello); gcs_ch !1 of MID !MESSAGESENT !a of GID; (* 1 changes moderator to 2 *) gcs_ch !1 of MID !a of GID !CHANGEMODER !Encode(2 of MID, true); gcs_ch !1 of MID !ADMINMODERCHANGED !a of GID; gcs_ch !7 of MID !a of GID !MULTICAST !Encode(Hello); gcs_ch !2 of MID !ToApprove(Encode(Hello)) !a of GID; gcs_ch !7 of MID !SENTTOMODERATOR !a of GID; (* 0 changes moderator to 7 *) gcs_ch !0 of MID !a of GID !CHANGEMODER !Encode(7 of MID, true); gcs_ch !0 of MID !ADMINMODERCHANGED !a of GID; (* 1 tries to change moderator of A to itself, but fails *) gcs_ch !1 of MID !a of GID !CHANGEMODER !Encode(1 of MID, true); gcs_ch !1 of MID !NOTADMINMODER !a of GID; (* 1 tries to change moderator of B to itself, but fails *) gcs_ch !1 of MID !b of GID !CHANGEMODER !Encode(1 of MID, true); gcs_ch !1 of MID !NOMODERGROUP !b of GID; (* Create Closed/Moderated group C, administered by 0, *) (* moderated by 0. CID of member 0 is 4. *) mgcs_ch !0 of MID !CREATEGROUP !C of GID !Encode(Mail, 4, true, 0, false, false, true, 0); mgcs_ch !0 of MID !GROUPCREATED !C of GID; (* Moderator tries to change moderator of C to 1, but fails *) gcs_ch !0 of MID !c of GID !CHANGEMODER !Encode(1 of MID, true); gcs_ch !0 of MID !MEMBERNOTINGROUP !c of GID; (* Admin makes group A moderated *) gcs_ch !0 of MID !a of GID !CHANGEMODER !Encode(1 of MID, true); gcs_ch !0 of MID !ADMINMODERCHANGED !a of GID; gcs_ch !7 of MID !a of GID !MULTICAST !Encode(Hello); gcs_ch !1 of MID !ToApprove(Encode(Hello)) !a of GID; gcs_ch !7 of MID !SENTTOMODERATOR !a of GID; (* Admin makes group A unmoderated again *) gcs_ch !0 of MID !a of GID !CHANGEMODER !Encode(Nobody, false); gcs_ch !0 of MID !ADMINMODERCHANGED !a of GID; gcs_ch !1 of MID !a of GID !CHANGEMODER !Encode(1 of MID, true); gcs_ch !1 of MID !NOMODERGROUP !a of GID; success; stop endproc (* Test7 *) endspec (* GCS, Group Communication Server *)

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